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So! This Time You're Thinking About Buying A Mac!!
After years of using a computer with a Windows operating system, many people are considering switching to a Mac. There are probably many reasons for this; the incredible list of innovations from Apple – iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc., the introduction of another version of Windows, the Apple “buzz” created as a result of Steve Jobs’ death last year, or simply the comments from acquaintances who are enthusiastic Mac users..
There is no question but that the Mac has been a leader in personal computing for years. Each iteration of the OS X operating system includes a number of innovations.
But making this switch is not as simple as it sounds. During the course of assisting users with this conversion, we have identified a number of issues to be considered before deciding to make the change.
Cost - The first hurdle is the cost of a new Mac versus a roughly equivalent Windows-based computer. Simply put, a Mac requires more of a financial investment than a comparable Windows machine. This will have to be weighed against the advantages of using a Mac such as reliability, free training, and a better interface.
Learning Curve - Make no mistake about it. Learning to use the Mac efficiently will take a commitment of time and effort after several years of using Windows. Though the Mac has an excellent user interface, it is not necessarily any more intuitive than the Windows interface for a novice, but it is different. Some former Windows users have reported taking as much as a year to get comfortable with the Mac interface.
Many Windows users have acquired an iPad which provides a very positive user experience. However, be warned the Mac computer interface is significantly different from the iPad.
Software - The Mac operating system, OS X, comes packaged with a great deal of built-in software. Much of it precludes the necessity of purchasing third-party software. Microsoft Office is also available for the Mac (note that the version specifically designed for the Mac must be purchased – the Windows version cannot be installed on the Mac). Files created using a modern version of Office can be read on either platform.
If a more specialized piece of software is being used on Windows, research may be required to determine whether the software is available for the Mac, and whether data files created on a Windows computer can be transferred to the Mac. If the software is not available for the Mac, a substitute may be required.
Peripheries - Not all peripherals (printers, scanners, etc.) are compatible with both Windows and Macs. If the ones you are using now on Windows are not compatible with the Mac, purchasing new equipment may be required.
Data Transfers - Most people will have various forms of data which they would like to have available on their computer. Some data, such as pictures and music files, will typically work on a Mac as well as a Windows machine. Others, particularly those related to third-party software, may cause some problems. According to the type and amount of data to be transferred there could be some issues with moving data to a Mac machine from a Windows computer.
Addressing these issues beforehand should assist you in making a decision. Please contact us if we can be of assistance.
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