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Invitation Email Hoax
The Invitation Email Hoax warns of dire consequences if you open an email which includes an attachment entitled, or subject line of, "Invitation." It has taken many forms over a number of years. Different versions have referenced "Merry Christmas" and Gordon Brown smiling" among others. It originated around 2000 with a title of "A Virtual Card for You."
The common elements relate to claiming your computer will crash if you open it, the writer has checked its authenticity with some authority (Norton, McAfee, Microsoft, CNN, etc.), and urging that it be sent to everyone you know. The following is a typical example which circulated around the time of the 2006 Winter Olympics:
Invitation Hoax
Think these things eventually go away? Here's another example from an email dated 1/18/11. Notice the similarity to the one above:
Invitation Hoax
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