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Six Keys To Basic Computer Security
For many of us, if not most of us, our computers have become an indispensible extension of ourselves. We all know how essential it is to protect your computer and the data on it. But how do we go about it without undue effort?
Your individual situation has to be evaluated for a complete plan. However, the following basic keys to computer security will provide a foundation on which to assure your computer and data are as safe as is possible and practical. This discussion is directed primarily toward Windows-based systems, but the concepts would apply to any operating system.
Anti-malware – It’s hardly a newsflash that you need anti-virus and anti-spyware. The consequence of a computer being infected by either a virus or spyware can range from annoyance to a complete crash and loss of data, or even identity theft. Though Windows has become much more resilient to such attacks, the added precaution of anti-virus and anti-spyware programs is prudent (most modern anti-virus programs also contain anti-spyware capabilities).
There are both free packages and software that can be purchased. For many users the free packages are adequate. In addition to being free, they do not require a subscription renewal.
There are also commercial packages available for sale which can provide the protection you need. The advantage here is the availability of additional tools and better support. But it is essential that the subscription be renewed when it is up. In our experience, one of the most common problems with purchased anti-virus software comes about because a subscription has lapsed.
No matter which package you use, there are some settings that are essential. First, if you are using an email program such as Outlook or Thunderbird the anti-virus software should be set to scan email as it comes in. Second, it should be checking websites which are being accessed.
Third, it should be set to scan your entire computer on a regular basis. What is a regular basis? We usually recommend every day if at all practical, but no less than once a week. Fourth, it should scan for root kits. Last, but not least, it should be set to update itself automatically at least daily.
If your software does not have any one of these capabilities, we suggest you switch to one that does. Though it may take some time, it is further recommended that the settings be reviewed in detail to assure you are getting maximum protection.
Only one anti-virus program and only one anti-spyware program should be active. More than one can cause conflicts affecting the performance of the computer.
Firewall – A firewall is also essential to protecting a computer from intrusions over the internet. Windows comes with a built-in firewall which is adequate for most users. Some commercial anti-virus software also contains a firewall which is usually more robust than the Windows firewall. If you use one of these be sure it is active and the Windows firewall is turned off. At least one, but only one, firewall should be active. There are also stand-alone firewalls that can be installed.
Windows Update – Microsoft continually distributes updates for the Windows operating system. Many of these are security updates to help protect your system from malware.
Generally Windows Update should be set to download and install these automatically. There could be reasons to monitor these and install them on a different schedule. However, in this case it is essential that the update status be reviewed regularly and the updates installed on a timely basis for optimal protection.
Backup – The importance of keeping a data backup cannot be overstated. Windows 7 comes with built-in backup capabilities. There are also commercial and free packages available (check our Download Center for a free option). Other considerations are what data needs to be backed up, how often, and to what the data should be backed up.
For a more comprehensive discussion see our article on backing up a computer.
Passwords – It is essential to use strong passwords for logins, websites, etc. Many scams are perpetuated because a weak password has been used. A common email scam currently being perpetuated is an example of the problems with weak passwords.
So what is a strong password and how do you create one? Here is a step-by-step discussion of one way to create strong passwords.
Password Protected Logon – Typically multiple people have physical access to a computer. A simple but often overlooked method of protecting data is requiring a logon and password for each user to access the computer. In addition, use of a screensaver requiring a password after a certain length of time of inactivity provides extra security. This technique protects your computer from opportunistic snooping, tampering, and more malicious mischief.
There are other aspects to securing your PC to be considered beyond the scope of this article, such as physical security, encryption, and tracking. However, the above will go a long way toward protecting your data.
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